A few summers ago I set out to build the prettiest greenhouse I could, with as little money as I possible. Since I had no building experience, I wasn't sure how long it would take me. Here's a quick overview of how much I spent and how quickly I was able to build it.
When I finally finished, I had spent around $800 U.S. dollars, and I think over-spent on a few things. I bought the two doors instead of building them, and I used cedar lumber when I could have used less-expensive pressure-treated. I write more about that in Choosing the Best Lumber for Your Greenhouse: 4 Great Options (2 are cheap or free). I also rented a truck to get the cattle panels to my house (I could have borrowed a truck and avoided that cost.) All-in-all though, it was a very inexpensive greenhouse to build.
My greenhouse is 8' by 12', a nice, medium-sized greenhouse with plenty of room. It's about 7.5' tall in the center and my tall friends can comfortably walk through.
It took me 6 weeks to build, but it can be done much quicker! I started in late July and finished it up in early September. At each step, I was figuring out what I should do next and how to do it. I spent many evenings researching everything from how to build a door frame to figuring out what brackets what brackets I'd need for the overhead beam. I was also working full-time and taking care of my family. And to be honest, some of those August days were just too hot!
In addition to getting a backyard greenhouse that I love, I learned so much about tools and simple building methods. Enough that it gave me the confidence to build a fence, several simple benches, and an enclosure for my garbage bins.
There are many ways to build a cattle panel greenhouse; mine is just one way. If you're looking for ideas on how to build a greenhouse cheap, I encourage you to search for additional examples of cattle panel greenhouses and then decide what will work for you.